Episode of the 50's TV series "You Asked For It", featuring: A Hindu fakir on a bed of nails, a man shot wearing a bullet proof vest, carnival conmen, and a clown act, plus more. This was broadcast live, and this copy features original commercials for Skippy Peanut Butter.
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May 1, 2009 Subject:
It's probably "DuMont" as well.
"You asked for it" aired on the DuMont network until Dec. 7, 1951. This show features a tribute to Lou Gehrig. During that segment there was mention of his farewell at Yankee stadium 12 years ago. That of course was on July 4, 1939.
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August 28, 2008 Subject:
Mixed Bag
Mixed bag episode of "YOU ASKED FOR IT", featuring some very nice things and some not so nice things. I love that bullet proof vest demonstation, I thought that was cool. But that clown act is too french for my taste.